Henry leaned back on his leather recliner holding a cellphone and credit card. He wrote online reviews and rated products according to a system of caterpillars. More caterpillars meant more butterflies, ergo, a better chance of succeeding…
Browsing Category Prose, Poetry, and Art
The Hitchhiker by Annie McGreevy
It began with two strokes of good luck. The first was an adult, blood-fattened bedbug on the bedframe in room 306 at the end of her shift. The second was an equally blood-fattened adolescent in…
Excerpts from Small Pieces by Micheline Aharonian Marcom, art by Fowzia Karimi
In Winter, Again The orange-breasted robins are in the garden today for the second time in January. Dozens of them pushing up and flying out from the wild red berry bush to the tall redwood…
What Is It That Lasts? by Paul Freidinger
A sliver of ice connects us and evaporates, / fades, becomes forgotten, / erased, / until one day no one will believe / the world was covered by frozen / mountain ranges
Marseille Hunger by Christopher X. Shade
It’s not the boy who arrests me, it’s the man I recognize above the boy, a man on a balcony who’s dropping a wet skirt to dry over the steel rail of it, and a blouse, and a towel, and other laundry, and then blue sheets.