I. Mendocino headlands, 6:20 a.m. Muffled grey skies, finger-chilling breeze, salinity infusing nostrils and eyes. The rhythmic whoosh and sigh of waves engulfing, abandoning, then reclaiming landfall with the fervency of ambivalent lovers. We have one…
Browsing Category Prose, Poetry, and Art
Aubade from Voyager 1 by John Paul Martinez
Aubade from Voyager 1 Houston i am grazing inside the deep field only with the telescopes will you observe my lilting all i hear for now …
The Para-Ferry by Daniel Hunt
The ferryman watched the two men waiting for the boat. One was in a policie uniform, the other was not, but that was all the ferryman could see. He wouldn’t know more until he could…
A Full Recounting of Flowers… by Frederick Speers
A Full Recounting of Flowers, That is, Remembering a Time When I Nearly Transformed What Really Happened Into Myth Back when he climbed into my bed, I was fourteen. In a whisper he claimed, “Love…
The Fall by Amritha Dinesh
She had broken her own rule and opened the quarter bottle of brandy at four instead of six, when the crows noisily circled their homes.