Anni Mirabiles Gnawed women warned me: love is something spiteful spat at us by the stars. Lust, a spit we tie ourselves to turning grinning crisping for a brief feast. Wide-eyed, I watched people slice…
Posts tagged borders
lupine dance in the blow-by of trucks then rest while hummingbirds taste their sex
lupine dance in the blow-by of trucks then rest while hummingbirds taste their sex I sit by the side of the road with an old dog chewing on sour grass wait for the sun to…
Three Poems of Separation
The tree outside the barbershop was struck down sometime last night, its Siamese boughs wrenched from each other in violent divorce and the weaker flung to the ground— someone, some official someone, has hedged the…
Two Poems from Sean Cho A.
Dress Up The men in my family tell me American girls love American boys in the dark. I asked my grandfather how to dress. He wasn’t sure what “American boys” wore so he dressed me…
Call for Submissions: Borders
Portland Review welcomes submissions of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translation, and mixed-genre works for online publication. We are specifically looking for works that creatively interrogate the theme of borders. We’d hope to find work that explores…