Two Mice of Ivory and Other Poems

Two Mice of Ivory The year my father set adrift, the levee burst, my family’s belongings blew out all the windows and doors— making clear who held the foundation, close-fisted and sturdy— and nobody cared to clear up the debris, least of all my mother; who, instead, called forth the buzzards to graze on the heirlooms, leaving me to imagine a past wherein the birds…

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“Nimbus, stratocumulus, cumulus—” Mel began. “Don’t forget cumulonimbus.” Dash always butted in, throwing around all her big words and ideas, adding “lenticular” or “supercell storm cloud” when she could. “Shut up!” Mel punched her younger sister on the upper arm but not too hard. They both stared up, the air empty and blue, not a nimbostratus in sight. In fact, the sun was so big…

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The Light We Live By: To Limn/Lying In by J’lyn Chapman

Theoretical physicist Richard Feynman once said about sight: “The brain has developed a way to look out upon the world. The eye is a piece of the brain that is touching light, so to speak, on the outside.” J’lyn Chapman’s newest book To Limn/Lying In reminds readers to look out upon the world, as well as inward—to touch the light that lives outside of ourselves….

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