Three dogs barked. A field of yellow lilies trembled in a breeze. The bridge settled in silt at the bottom of the Sandy River. There will be more, I am sure. The…
Browsing Category Poetry
Tonguing My Tumblr Dashboard by Chelsea Rebekah Grimmer Kachman
Exquisite: tonguing tongue- ing ton- ging ton- gue- in- g *** *Angels: we have heard (on high)* when we pass through one another:…
from The World Encyclopedia of Ideophones by Stacey Tran
ch’izh — (Navajo) the rustling of dry leaves A thicket of birds frightened in the night, but then what of the wings? Tongues by day wrestle with the dry leaves each are left with to…
Of Shells by Stacey Tran
As scale of balance. As object hollowed, emptied of its mass. As framework, mere externality without substance; as in the outer part. Received unto windows as indecent allusion; as glass in its two halves. As…
Engineers are close to trapping a rainbow. How do you trap light? by Neesa Sonoquie
All of these hours and the ice sheets melting into soup, the world now one-third plastic, beach sand like Beta and Atari, phantom erections, phantom voices, a 2000 year-old ghost forest uncovered by rough seas….