No one had seen him. They lifted a face from a televised lineup—statesman or actor, cosmeticized singer—then averaged the features and rendered an image in pastels on plaster. Chalked hominid shapes all over the city,…
Browsing Category Poetry
Galileo in Arcetri
Ephemeris left open, transfixed by his blank gaze and one ancient ray arriving. Inside his blindness, a remembered sky: widdershins zodiac over the slanted campanile. The stones he’s thrown float up again, the vespers’ bells…
FUTURE GIRL by William Winfield Wright
She can only just go there. That’s the super power. Get on a plane or train, even walk to the store and back and it’s later, the future, just like that. It’s not very feminist,…
BIRD FEET by William Winfield Wright
If I had bird feet everything would be different. I’d start paying attention to where I put myself, lifting the knees like they say, going without shoes, leaving tracks. I’d become comfortable…
Spring Wildflowers for an Executed Man by George Longenecker
For Robert Nelson Drew #755, Texas Department of Criminal Justice Executed August 2, 1994, Huntsville, TX Take a star flower, Robert, and ride its petals above the prison where they killed you. Pick golden…