at the first trace of blue I wandered the unpaths, finding myself thoroughly lost in a gray spritz of rain, …
Browsing Category Poetry
REACTOR by Serena Solin
cars unable to a line not moving …
At the Corner of 6th and Pine by WLS
There, in someone’s front yard I saw a glass bowl, turned over on a hole, with a red-brown brick on top. In that airless chamber, a small swarm of desperate wasps swirled. I did nothing…
SOMA: Bloody Mouth by Yunkyo Moon Kim
Bloody Mouth, You immure me. Mouth is holding an ocean of blood. Seething with jealousy, I tuck the tropical fishes and tinfoil seaweeds safely into cheek to taste saltwater without casualty. I am swollen with…
Achromous by Ellery Beck
This Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we will be featuring the winners from last month’s flash contest, held in conjunction with the AWP festival in Portland. Entries were received in paper form during the three days…