Amelia Jenks Bloomer. May 1818 – December 1894.
Browsing Category Prose, Poetry, and Art
February Bloomer by Assra Sudde
It’s been raining and it hasn’t. Rows of grasses glow green, glow with health so they look unnatural. The glowing grass gives me a fright, the only way to say a long i of f…
Fourteen by Jacob Newberry
After Raoul Schrott The sound of running ˙ upheaving of gravel˙ upwind he asks Where are you hiding ˙ the leaves are old˙ like winter at my feet ˙ falling ˙ though I am far…
Aubade by Jacob Newberry
After Raoul Schrott Dark when you came ˙ sky the shade of dying trees ˙ your voice in the forest was the color of melting pewter ˙ heavy with impurities ˙ it tasted of minerals…