“Nimbus, stratocumulus, cumulus—” Mel began. “Don’t forget cumulonimbus.” Dash always butted in, throwing around all her big words and ideas, adding “lenticular” or “supercell storm cloud” when she could. “Shut up!” Mel punched her younger…
Browsing Category Prose, Poetry, and Art
For Tomorrow
Oftentimes I wake with Don’t Forget written on the back of my hand in black ink. I never remember what— Maybe the dead headlight, or car oil rotting in its pipe. Perhaps, a reminder to…
Image: Tony Alter – Flickr: Little Beauties (Orange Jewelweed – Impatiens Capensis), CC BY 2.0
Quarantine Academy—Dear Lovely Students:
A mash up of 90-plus letters to my students in emails and a daily blog during COVID-19 school closures Well, this is it, it is Tuesday, and we are not going to school. This is…