Step 1. Exposure: My grandma wanted a burial at sea. It sounded like something beautiful—like something worth immortalizing in marble, or on canvas. An oil painting the size of a billboard. But this place is…
Browsing Category Fiction
The Little Guide by Mia Castro
In an unknown village on the outskirts of a small town miles away from the city, a girl not more than six years of age lives. Three hundred steps from her home, there’s a small,…
One Missing by Jov Almero
The box arrived in June, a week earlier than expected. From point of origin it had traveled for a month aboard a ship, across time zones and liquid borders. A few hundred miles south of…
Houses that Flip by Lenore Weiss
Henry leaned back on his leather recliner holding a cellphone and credit card. He wrote online reviews and rated products according to a system of caterpillars. More caterpillars meant more butterflies, ergo, a better chance of succeeding…
Marseille Hunger by Christopher X. Shade
It’s not the boy who arrests me, it’s the man I recognize above the boy, a man on a balcony who’s dropping a wet skirt to dry over the steel rail of it, and a blouse, and a towel, and other laundry, and then blue sheets.