Publishing is a cyclical process, especially at a micropress like the Portland Review. We read in submission cycles, use round robin voting to make our selections, take each piece we decide to print through one…
Posts Published by Portland Review
Check out our interview with the Literary Arts blog: Paper Fort
In anticipation of this Friday’s relaunch, we had a chance to talk to our friends at Literary Arts, who are kind enough to let us use their space for the event. You can read the…
Aurora Avenue by Piper Daniels
Today is the greenest this winter and wounds take to ripening. You hope no one will notice before the dark descends like a wave of panic over the Sound. Until then you will trace the…
Ismail’s Restaurant, Bitez, Turkey by Leonard Neufeldt
The midday sun boundless as the neighbor’s greeting. Hair on fire, I leave the lane’s narrowness to the oncoming tractor and turn into Ismail’s yard— gravel and palms. His wife smiles small sweat beads, bends…