Eight Paintings by Joan Ranzini

Artist Joan Huiner Ranzini is an abstract painter living and working in Virginia. Her work process and product have a structure and intensity of feeling shaped by a background in drawing, architectural design and travel in Japan, expressed using a non-derivative palette and imagery. Ms. Ranzini received her BA with High Honors from the College of William and Mary, Fine Arts, emphasis architecture. She received her Master’s degree in Architectural History from the University of Virginia with coursework in architectural design. At the Beverley Street Studio School in Staunton, she has studied, taught drawing classes and served as Academic Program Coordinator. She maintains an active solo and juried exhibit schedule and her work is included in public and private collections. You can visit her website at:  www.JoanRanzini.com



“Allowing for Differences”


“Away From”


“Bird in a Tree”


“Bird on the Ground”




“I Knew She Was Trouble”




“Regensburg Group Number Three”