We pushed an air conditioner strapped to a metal dolly all the way uptown. We opened two bottles of beer by the window, sat cross-legged on an unfolded yoga mat, tapped the cold tips together …
Posts tagged Portland Review
A Nearness that Sustains
My wife’s hometown of Woodview, Pennsylvania lies an hour west of Centralia, a place we pass on the drive in from John F. Kennedy Airport. “It’s been on fire for over sixty years,” Amber explains….
A Year of Truth and Daring
Our sixty-fifth year of publishing, and our second year of Portland Review’s online-only format began with the usual questions — where would we be taking the Review this year? Or, more interestingly, where might our…
Call for Submissions: Shadow Play and Light Work
There is a term in visual art called chiaroscuro, which, in Italian, can translate to a compound phrase: lightdark. In this year’s series for Portland Review, two of the oldest artistic tropes— shadow and light—meet…
Join us for the Dog Days — of Poetry
The Dog days of Summer are here. What does that mean? For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere it means Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky, begins its rise over the eastern…