There are some big changes going on behind the scenes at the Portland Review. Sadly, our wonderful and vibrant Prose Editor, Jyoti Roy, had to step down. It’s impossible to express the depth of gratitude…
Posts tagged Portland Review
The Teenagers by Kaitlyn Burch
They started the day in Savannah, where Addie washed her face in the stained sink of a gas station restroom. They had slept in the car again, parked in the shared lot of a gas…
A Literary Whirlwind
Publishing is a cyclical process, especially at a micropress like the Portland Review. We read in submission cycles, use round robin voting to make our selections, take each piece we decide to print through one…
Elegy for the Person Who Used to Write My Status Updates by Colin Pope
Sweet, cherubic boy who loved a woman SOOOOOO much it warranted the high praise of the exclamation point, the x’s and o’s, even an elated smiley as though this love, this identifier of secret property…
In Memoriam by Keith Rebec
Our town has always struggled to bury its dead; in the 70s and 80s, when a person died in an auto accident, their vehicle was towed to Bob’s Auto Repair downtown. Here, for weeks, the…