We are excited to share the wonderful prose, poetry and art in Portland Review: Spring 2013 with you, so please join us this Sunday, May 12, to celebrate! We’ll gather at the beautiful and mind-bending Afru Gallery* (534 SE Oak, Portland, OR) from 3:30 to 5:30. There, we’ll mix, mingle, and welcome April Ehrlich, Erin Fox Ocón, Susan V. Meyers, and Willa Schneberg to the readers’ stage.
We know it’s Mother’s Day, and we encourage you to bring your friends and family to join in the fun. Stories, poems, and artwork last longer than flowers anyway.
*Considering that Afru Gallery’s mission is to promote artists, “who mess with our brains. Artists who make us think and feel…..and remind us that we are not alone in our sanity,” I think it’s fair to say that the Afru and Portland Review combination is bound to be a perfect pairing of artistic and literary missions. Isn’t it?