Strange Features

I’m the type to go unseen in the world. I’m the milk of women. —Ellen Welcker Once while boarding a train Marilyn Monroe turned to a friend and said Do you want to see me turn it on? She didn’t change clothes, but suddenly autograph-seekers swarmed over her blue light. Sometimes it’s like that—deciding to be wanted. Wanting to be watched. A secret sonar sent…

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“My Beautiful Broken Brain”: Writing My Way Through a TBI

In the recent documentary, My Beautiful Broken Brain, a thirty-four-year-old woman in London records her recovery from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) following a massive stroke. While watching, I couldn’t help but relive my own experiences surviving a TBI, and the years following that catastrophic event. At first, I thought: I’m so lucky that my injury wasn’t so severe. Yet as the film progressed, and I…

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