It was summer and everything had fallen apart. But I’d not yet lost hope. It was one of those descents where you feel free almost, so long as you can sense some light somewhere to fall toward. Yoon and I had divorced on account of irreconcilable differences. It wasn’t that I’d been diagnosed as autistic. It was that I was diagnosed and thought differently about…
Call for Submissions: Fiction
The nights are growing longer, there’s a hint of snow in the air, and we’re eager to read just a few more of your stories before we rest our heads. Starting Monday, 12/20/21, we’re accepting Fiction submissions for 48 hours! There’s no theme to follow this time, just send us your best fiction under 5,000 words. Submissions will open at 12 a.m. PST on December…
“Plume” and “Silence is the Blower of the Glass”
Plume I lost the feather I found that day, off-trail and alone in winter woods, when, for the first time since her death, I wanted to believe the pieces of my life could snap…
The Hoard
Not enough fireflies winking over the lawn to brighten even oneof those canning jars you used in childhood. And the crows no longer roistering at dusk behind your house. That’s where it startstonight—your mental list of grievances like the reckoning of a miser over his cache.Or is it to master them that you recite the small along with the large affronts— the burnt rice, the…
“among the taxidermy mountain goats…” and Two Others
among the taxidermy mountain goats in the museum of natural history the little girl dreamsof a shipwreck; she sways on the bow when the wavecapsizes her & aloneshe sinks her wool coat,pockets full of starlings glossy & dark—they fighttheir path to the surface,erupting— she can see the murmurthrough the sugar glassocean / in her eyes areflection of a small egg,sinking afterdark at night, when the…