Kneeling in a pew, the straw-strewn

Sheep fell outside herselfpink anemone protrusion pinktongue splat wide between molarsa yell like a horn or stripeof gummy candy. O matted warmbody, curled around youngclumps of boneless massMother As we kneel, our elbows redin your colostrum/shit-cakedhole. O sheep!Bodies pressed to the woodto the wool—nowyou must run and hopeyour own vulva flips, a fruitpitted, a gut strung, a childhappy, twirling in the waves. Photo by Antonello…

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I Hide When the FedEx Man Parks Outside my Apartment

I do not want him to see me sitting in my recliner by the window. Only I am aware of this secret—that I ordered furniture online because it would be too heavy for me to carry to the second floor alone. I crouch behind the wall, watch him brace himself, watch him balance the first package on his shoulder like a see-saw, a dresser for…

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