Date you again? I’d rather kiss a cuttlefish, my sweet! A cuttlefish has eight long arms; you’re cursed with two left feet. You stick to Brooklyn; cuttles swim the open sea all night. When nervous,…
Browsing Category Poetry
A Song Called Shudder by Joshua Marie Wilkinson
A kitchen match could warm me here in the gossip— Here in what I’m covering my cuts for— That an eel might not drift up through the waters & find your sleep a…
A Song Called Ranelagh by Joshua Marie Wilkinson
So says the dead woman in her calm ways: What won’t oppose you? What won’t actually challenge you? What won’t call your despicable behavior what it really is? Whom for for you? I…
A Song Called Spinning by Joshua Marie Wilkinson
Could the living songs be heard through the transcriptions of the tape? Could the memory return with accrual? What ocean lost its cold birds of an evening to bring the flood to the…
Fabrication by Peter Schireson
I’m building in this sprawling space, knowing my lot’s full of mud, with stone to crush, mix into cement and pour into a form I’m dreaming up, a footing that supports a structure, one line…