I dreamt there was a fire in the study and I tried to put it out and she called me a fool saying save the fire and save the books; the child. We take up…
Browsing Category Poetry
Last Call by Kirsten Holt
For Michael Pandel In a pub toasting your too-late birthday, I imagine your eyes purpled and shut, unlike plums but yielding, spoiling into the hard ground of your cheekbones the rise and fall of the…
As a little boy in Perrysburg, Ohio, he takes a shit on the marble steps of the methodist church while his father preaches a sermon inside. It must be impossible for my father to tell…
Brave Michael Dragonhead by Dave Shattuck
i. From the bridge a dozen boys drop paper boats into the river. Small as the cupped hands of mothers, the boats drift and spin in the current, plummet over the falls, and are gone…
Separation by Jeremy Windham
I Dad shouts at my mother from the driveway, his truck hiccups then roars away from us and I kick a rock to the grass with my bare foot. We stand in our garage long…