Erica grew up in Seattle, Washington where she attended the University of Washington. She currently resides in Brooklyn and attends the New School where she is working towards an MFA in Poetry. Previous publications include the Monarch Review and Snail Mail Review.
Browsing Category Poetry
Troy In The Cancer Ward
Such a Greek gift this cancer is inside your body, crone artifact. Cronus, chemo, metastasis, a blade taking time in your breast, adulterers flogged, our family sacked. Poseurs and posies, pollen spilt, demon drops, lemon…
In The Dustlight, Listen
1/ Tonight the trees are paper nuns leaning over fox bones. And you’re still here. Near the railroad cars. Near the shallow hillside. Your hands just as thin as they always were. 2/ Give…
Having Sex with AIDS
Bruno says I’m pretty— the noble sentiment he must make. My bravery resides in hospital curtain resurrections. I’m still here and I must listen to Bruno now. He talks with a swollen bird’s chest—warm air…
A Fresh Start Will Put You on Your Way by Andie Francis
Where would an astronaut park her space ship? Considering she has pushed her bowling ball in anticipation of its collision, and life forms gather to hear Jailhouse Rock, the void is not completely empty. She…