Bloody Mouth, You immure me. Mouth is holding an ocean of blood. Seething with jealousy, I tuck the tropical fishes and tinfoil seaweeds safely into cheek to taste saltwater without casualty. I am swollen with…
Browsing Category Poetry
Achromous by Ellery Beck
This Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we will be featuring the winners from last month’s flash contest, held in conjunction with the AWP festival in Portland. Entries were received in paper form during the three days…
I’ll Meet You Where I Don’t Remember by Emma DePanise
This Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, we will be featuring the winners from last month’s flash contest, held in conjunction with the AWP festival in Portland. Entries were received in paper form during the three days…
An Offering by Olivia Pridemore
My brother and I came upon a shrine in Okinawa where miko still make kuchikamizake. Here—sipping rice wines fermented in the cheeks of virgins, is the closest I’ve ever come to intimacy. I want to…
Aubade from Voyager 1 by John Paul Martinez
Aubade from Voyager 1 Houston i am grazing inside the deep field only with the telescopes will you observe my lilting all i hear for now …