i’m a different woman in every room in the kitchen efficient operative as forkquiet in the bedroom tiptoe to avoid discourse the weight of telling youeverything is fine nothing happened in the…
Browsing Category Poetry
Christmas Twenty Ten, California
for Louis burrito by starlight, red and green Cholulain the beard. Stuffed to our socks, let us dub this the first formal ritual to the pagangods of guac and fries, carne asada, jalapeño hit the…
“Plume” and “Silence is the Blower of the Glass”
Plume I lost the feather I found that day, off-trail and alone in winter woods, when, for the first time since her…
“among the taxidermy mountain goats…” and Two Others
among the taxidermy mountain goats in the museum of natural history the little girl dreamsof a shipwreck; she sways on the bow when the wavecapsizes her & aloneshe sinks her wool coat,pockets full of starlings…