Could the living songs be heard through the transcriptions of the tape? Could the memory return with accrual? What ocean lost its cold birds of an evening to bring the flood to the…
Browsing Category Prose, Poetry, and Art
Rene Magritte, Homesickness, 1940.
Fabrication by Peter Schireson
I’m building in this sprawling space, knowing my lot’s full of mud, with stone to crush, mix into cement and pour into a form I’m dreaming up, a footing that supports a structure, one line…
Awakening by Peter Schireson
Awakening to the sheet, soft and familiar, across her shoulder, to last night’s tea, cool in a cup on the table, her glasses, the clock, the phone by the bedside, all seem to stir, awakening…
The Righting Reflex by Piper Daniels
You like to remind me of a poem I wrote for you, something about fucking in a car on a crowded street, something we did that was supposed to be amazing but was revealed to…