We have been living here for years, and still they call this place “uninhabitable” in the news. “Too arid for growing crops,” they report. “The winds rage at night, with a noise alien even to…
Browsing Category Prose, Poetry, and Art
The Ruling Body
Lance Corporal Hank Willis came home from Iraq and wouldn’t stop talking. What happened to the bashful district champ wrestler, the one who couldn’t even smile for his picture in The Stony Creek Sentinel without…
a marriage
“a marriage” is dedicated to the poet and dancer, Sandra Doller. Kaneshiro Araki was the tiniest man Margaret Morri had ever seen, at just under eight inches tall, weighing in at two pounds, six ounces…
When I died I had a self reminder on the back of my hand. I forget what it said now, but it was something like, Don’t forget that thing you are supposed to remember. My…