If fruit could represent anything but sex I would be content to transcribe still-lifes, glad to stack sand castles from the grit of memory as Jaws trolls just offshore—which I do— but the slick-skinned, the…
Browsing Category Prose, Poetry, and Art
The Astronomer
Claire Menegatti lives and works from her home studio in Los Angeles, CA. She graduated in 2010 from California State University Long Beach with her BFA in Illustration. In 2008, she received the John Lincoln…
Our Fortieth Anniversary
(at the end of days) After our rabbit died, there was no more hot chocolate. No Tootsie Roll Pops. Only skimmed barn milk and origami cats. Alongside the Mississippi, the Yazoo still laid down a…
Untitled, Athens, 2012
Ranbir Singh Sidhu is the author of Good Indian Girls and a winner of the Pushcart Prize in fiction. His stories and essays appear in Conjunctions, Salon, The Georgia Review, The Literary Review, and other…