And so am I, full with the imprints of time and memory. I am rich in soul, yet I’m hungry for more. It’s not a feast I want: I want what singer Sam Garrett wants,…
Browsing Category Nonfiction
Minutes from the Great Salt Lake Whale Watch Society
Minutes from the Great Salt Lake Whale Watch Society Attending Ryan Habermeyer, Society President Ryan Habermeyer, Folklorist Ryan Habermeyer, Amateur Zoologist Ryan Habermeyer, Archivist Ryan Habermeyer, True-Believing Mormon Ryan Habermeyer, Formerly-Known-as-True-Believing-Mormon Not in Attendance David…
Frankenstein’s Monster and the Things We Don’t Know
I don’t know a trans guy who wants bottom surgery. I don’t know a trans guy who knows what it entails. I know eight trans guys who did a brief Google image search before clearing…
Something I Might Mistake For Beauty
At my appointment with the first doctor who might finally name the nebulous illness I’ve suffered with for seven years, the intake form requests I list my symptoms; a hazard of myprofession that every ache…