The moment you become a cartoon fox, you feel a warm fluidity to your bones. You look down at yourself and discover you are wearing a scarlet vest and orange pantaloons, bouncing through some neon…
Browsing Category Fiction
Wood Duck by Ross McMeekin
The rest are mallards, but then there’s this other one. You’ve never heard your boyfriend use the word plumage before, never iridescent. You wonder how many other words he keeps hidden, waiting for an object…
Sleep by Kurt Mueller
The doctor asked if I wanted to do it. I didn’t answer. He pushed the needle under her skin and depressed the plunger and she didn’t move, didn’t raise her head to look at me…
Zero Girl by Allie Marini Batts
The office was mostly empty, as usual, and the lights were still off when I got in to work just before eight. I dropped my backpack at my desk and headed straight for the breakroom…
Sink or Swim by Angela Rydell
“Why are they having all that awful fun?” Louisa hissed, standing before their hotel window overlooking the pool. Hands over her ears, she could still hear sharp screams of pre-pubescent pleasure, slaps against the surface…