She knew dogs and I knew boats, so we were an ideal team. On paper, at any rate. In reality, we started arguing while still loading the empty cages into the runabout. “You’d kill two…
Browsing Category Fiction
Act of Faith by Elizabeth Maria Naranjo
Sam flicked his wrist and watched the stone’s path across the water. It skipped five times and winked out in a blind pocket of sunlight. “Did you see that?” He spun around, but at first…
The Teenagers by Kaitlyn Burch
They started the day in Savannah, where Addie washed her face in the stained sink of a gas station restroom. They had slept in the car again, parked in the shared lot of a gas…
In Memoriam by Keith Rebec
Our town has always struggled to bury its dead; in the 70s and 80s, when a person died in an auto accident, their vehicle was towed to Bob’s Auto Repair downtown. Here, for weeks, the…
La Perla by Mark Frederick Bulandus
Walking up a pedestrian overpass felt different from walking up a mountain trail. This thought was in Nelmar’s mind every time he used the overpass. He spent close to two years in the city but…