Across the Street Tree roots buckled the drivewayuntil weeds grew knee-highthrough the twisting cracks.Haggard men always seemed to belighting cigarettes with pale cupped hands.Even in winter they wore only T-shirts,each with a pack of Viceroysrolled…
Browsing Category Prose, Poetry, and Art
Minutes from the Great Salt Lake Whale Watch Society
Minutes from the Great Salt Lake Whale Watch Society Attending Ryan Habermeyer, Society President Ryan Habermeyer, Folklorist Ryan Habermeyer, Amateur Zoologist Ryan Habermeyer, Archivist Ryan Habermeyer, True-Believing Mormon Ryan Habermeyer, Formerly-Known-as-True-Believing-Mormon Not in Attendance David…
“Ephemerals” & “Ads Targeting a Blue Dragon Sea Slug”
Ephemerals Climbing the Cataract Falls TrailWe don’t notice the drop-offs much,The abyss. Only the flowers, tiny and paleWith big leaves, and ferns, workingBackward from the reservoir up cataract to cataract,Chasing time backwardsThe closer we get…
Frankenstein’s Monster and the Things We Don’t Know
I don’t know a trans guy who wants bottom surgery. I don’t know a trans guy who knows what it entails. I know eight trans guys who did a brief Google image search before clearing…