translated from the Slovenian by Brian Henry In the Morning Infidels measure their prey by the length of an oar. In every sea there’s some angel in a sunken bell. One day the Pacific Ocean will vanish. We’re making…
Browsing Category Poetry
The Holy Ghost in Urania’s Semi-Private Hospital Room
for Tchiya Amet To ascertain what measures the offender usedthat allowed him to evade detection and apprehension,we have assembled a research team. Please remove all your clothing,including undergarments,and place them in this bag. ((lightis directional))…
“Galaxies” and “Notes on Art and the Implications of Executions”
Galaxies In art history I learned ghosts sneeze when they hover near paintings The ectoplasmon their skin turns green People tend to hoard seashells from abandoned beaches after spending an afternoon with me We sit…