Oftentimes I wake with Don’t Forget written on the back of my hand in black ink. I never remember what— Maybe the dead headlight, or car oil rotting in its pipe. Perhaps, a reminder to…
Browsing Category Poetry
Image: Tony Alter – Flickr: Little Beauties (Orange Jewelweed – Impatiens Capensis), CC BY 2.0
Quarantine Academy—Dear Lovely Students:
A mash up of 90-plus letters to my students in emails and a daily blog during COVID-19 school closures Well, this is it, it is Tuesday, and we are not going to school. This is…
Three Poems
Ice Caves I can’t hike the Cascades without thinking the worst, be it rockslide or heatstroke, or cougar springing out of the ferns and devil’s club. Day of fun ruined. My dad carries a Glock…