Wrist wheedled from out honed steel,
hot-washed to a surgical shimmer,
You glow Pistachio.
Paddles and scoops, marble-top ready,
hot water ensconced,
Get doled nocciola.
Glass shielded in bins like
incubated babies, pastel-
swaddled line-up in bassinets,
What a summons.
A queue worthy of cordons,
in flip-flops, heels, and nearly
no clothing, point-ing fingers,
palms resting messy on plexi-
glass, sweating away, senses ramped up
to an ogle, primed to envelop your charms.
Taste that quick-fix return.
To gravel-etched knees, fresh
bloodied chins, fireflies a-blink
in Kerr jars, bare feet in creeks, forts in trees,
balls in the street, kisses round a bottle—O
these summer’s domed sweet loaves—
Hold our heavens.
Photo by Kadir Celep on Unsplash