Geometrical regularity and a line
full of nudes and an alphabet we
could dance to and come together
oh why don’t you come on one
two three one two three. It’s rhythmic,
the way we are, serifed sans serif
darlings in a row. When you took me
to Georgia we spun in circles, we
learned to curl to the right and be
soundless beneath the orange tree.
Sometimes I see a lover sidling up
to another and I think that is us
in the future, some sweet th sound
or a sassy ch. Can’t things be just
what we want them to be and can it be
our secret? Imagine the type of face
I make when in all caps you say
meet me in the barn and I do
and we become futura, didot,
comic sans the comic all before
dusk. In Tahoma, we are stoic.
We shield the sun with dairy cows
and wear burlap sacks. In Gothic,
we walk the via dolorosa. We are
in ruins. When I whisper to you,
always it is small and then we are
back in regular times and New York
is lovely in the fall. Now we are quiet.
We try and sleep in lowercase but the bed,
it underlines us. Is it too bold to say
you are the smallish history I’ve always
wanted? That between you and me
there is not enough space for a dormouse,
an ampersand, the letter V? Darling,
what italics do to letters, you do to me.