Minutes from the Great Salt Lake Whale Watch Society Attending Ryan Habermeyer, Society President Ryan Habermeyer, Folklorist Ryan Habermeyer, Amateur Zoologist Ryan Habermeyer, Archivist Ryan Habermeyer, True-Believing Mormon Ryan Habermeyer, Formerly-Known-as-True-Believing-Mormon Not in Attendance David Hyams, Christine Baczek Meeting called to order at 5:01 PM by President. Business: Motion to accept the minutes from previous meeting. Motion unanimously approved. Opening Remarks: As a historical anecdote,…
“Ephemerals” & “Ads Targeting a Blue Dragon Sea Slug”
Ephemerals Climbing the Cataract Falls TrailWe don’t notice the drop-offs much,The abyss. Only the flowers, tiny and paleWith big leaves, and ferns, workingBackward from the reservoir up cataract to cataract,Chasing time backwardsThe closer we get to sky. Once, our 14-year-oldTwirled away from usToward the sea, and I was happy.Your mother’s tumor grew itselfFrom seed, from darkness. I thought the ephemerals would be gone—spring turnsWith such…
Frankenstein’s Monster and the Things We Don’t Know
I don’t know a trans guy who wants bottom surgery. I don’t know a trans guy who knows what it entails. I know eight trans guys who did a brief Google image search before clearing their history and slamming their laptop shut. I know seven if you don’t count me. It was easy in Maryland because there were so few of us. It was me…
Cry Goat
We stopped playing basketball as soon as Pastor Rigo shepherded a goat into the church’scourtyard. The creature was past its prime: its teeth were yellow banana Chiclets; its horns stuckout thick and gnarled like croissants; and its hooves chipped at the ends of its toes like bittencaramel apples. Yet all I could think of was what Uncle Daniel, Rigo’s brother, had told me:“Make sure to…
Heavenly Body
Paisley climbed out the attic window with a pillow to sit on and a Negroni in a sippy cup. Her cushion slipped on the angled asphalt shingle, so she planted her bare feet on the grit and leaned against the house. A mouthful of the cocktail blossomed on her tongue. Campari and orange peel softened the gin. The gin softened her. The night was mostly…