China Relics

A response to China ending foreign adoption 160,000 of us—no more—maybe lessI hope we’re all still here but I would notblame any of us if a few were missing—we’re all missing—technically but are any of usmissed? I would like to think so. I feel at home in museums, next to old, battered things,I wonder if this sense of belonging comes frombeing one of China’s relics—products,…

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“Across the Street” & “Encyclopedia”

Across the Street Tree roots buckled the drivewayuntil weeds grew knee-highthrough the twisting cracks.Haggard men always seemed to belighting cigarettes with pale cupped hands.Even in winter they wore only T-shirts,each with a pack of Viceroysrolled into a skin-tight sleeveabove tennis ball biceps.They’d lean on the window of a carthat hadn’t moved for months,the hood propped up with a two-by-four,a half dozen greasy sparkplugs scattered underfoot.Sometimes…

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Minutes from the Great Salt Lake Whale Watch Society

Minutes from the Great Salt Lake Whale Watch Society Attending  Ryan Habermeyer, Society President Ryan Habermeyer, Folklorist Ryan Habermeyer, Amateur Zoologist Ryan Habermeyer, Archivist Ryan Habermeyer, True-Believing Mormon Ryan Habermeyer, Formerly-Known-as-True-Believing-Mormon Not in Attendance David Hyams, Christine Baczek Meeting called to order at 5:01 PM by President. Business: Motion to accept the minutes from previous meeting. Motion unanimously approved. Opening Remarks: As a historical anecdote,…

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