Posts tagged review

How to Kiss Upside Down

“A professor told me not to use that letter / as the subject of a poem. // I don’t remember her name.” This complete poem, entitled “I,” is a snide argument for the insistent confessionalism that goes on in much of Poetic Scientifica, a confessionalism that is unwavering and brimming with warped comedy. Out this year from University of Hell Press, Leah Noble Davidson’s first book is a bold declaration on the capacities of humor and raw storytelling as means for emotional resilience.

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Can’t Look Away

Kevin Sampsell’s novel, This is Between Us, places the reader into the role of a voyeur, sneaking long glances into the secret lives of two divorcees who fall in love in the weirdest ways. Sampsell’s work could easily be mistaken for memoir, as the book mimics journal entries written by the male partner, writing to his female counter-part, and addressing her only as “You.”

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