Volume 64

- Eugene Lim, “Two Afters”
- Christine Kitano, “Three Ithaca Fragments”, “Pelvic Ultrasound”, “Denim“
- Sueyeun Juliette Lee, excerpts from Daybook
- Susan DeFrietas, “Nike”
- Molly Brodak, “You Do Not Need to be Someone”
- Laura McCoy, “Seam”
- Anna Joy Springer, “Dazzle the Sky”
- Hannah Craig, “Black Dog Queen”
- Dani Burlison, “How to Spend the Weekend with a Man Who Doesn’t Love You”
- Jacob M. Appel, “Time Capsule”
- Penny Newell, “Chopping Wood for Mum Because Dad is Dead”
- Jenny Forrester, “Wandering, Seeking Words”
- Ravitte Kentwortz, “Spaced”
- Daniele De Serto, translated by Wendell Ricketts, “A Fine and Handsome Scar”
- Kristel Rietesel-Low, “The Cowboy Awakens to Lyrids, Spring”
- Chris Shorne, “Heavy Rescue”
- Molly Patterson, “Being an Account of the Town of Marietta, Ohio…”
- Michael Catherwood, “The World Wrestling Federation Evangelical Dentist”
- Kathleen Hellen, “Siren”
- Dani Shapiro, “In the Narrow: an Interview with Dani Shapiro”
- Triin Paja, “Forest Brothers”
- Forrest Rapier, “Twilight Flux”
- Jacob White, “The New Humanities”
- Bryan Narendorf, “Woman, Dying”
- Cameron Morse, “August Rain”
- Sarah Melton, “Bankend, Saskatchewan”
- Diana Keren Lee, “Say Something About Yourself”
- William Virgil Davis, “The Little Mermaid in the Copenhagen Harbour has Lost Her Head Again”
- Christopher Coake, “Getaway”
- Anni Wilson, linocuts excerpted from Antick Comedies, versified by Craig Kurtz: “The Coquette”, “A Short-term Solution”, “Debtor’s University”, “Good-bye”, “Barn Dance”, “Drinking Scene”, “Off the Path”, “Picnic”, “The Merry Beggars”, “Fright and the Fop (After Bosch’s Death and the Miser)”, “Domestic Bliss”